Discounts Available
Please check the rebate section for your brand before you order to get the best deal possible.

Current patients of Dr. Peter Donko and Dr. Gloria Nebiolo can order their contact lenses through this site.
Once you have placed your order we will search your record and send out the appropriate contact lens prescription based on your last visit or last order. If you are unsure about which lenses to order please contact our office at 905-264-1512 or email us at Please check the rebates section prior to purchase in order to get the best value The rebate forms are available for download there. Free shipping is available for all orders above $100.
Discounts Available
Please check the rebate section before your purchase to get the best deal possible.

Our Brand DNA
Our office offers all the most popular brands of contact lenses shipped direct to you from the manufacturer with the assurance we have reviewed each order according to your clinical record. If you are a current contact lens patient in our office there is no need to provide us with your prescription we have it on file.